Padgate Medical Centre

Padgate Medical Centre, 12 Station Road South, Padgate, Warrington

Telephone: 01925 815333

Sorry, we're closed

Closures for Staff Training

The surgery is closed on the last Thursday of every month from 1.00 noon for the education and development of the Practice Staff in common with other local Practices.

2023/24 – Warrington

Wednesday        26 April 2023

Wednesday        18th May 2023

Wednesday        28 June 2023

Thursday             20 July 2023

Thursday             28 September 2023

Thursday             19 October 2023

Thursday             23 November 2023

Wednesday        21 February 2024

Friday                  29 March 2024

Out Of Hours

If you require a doctor for emergency medical help when the surgery is closed please phone 111 and you will automatically be transferred to the NHS 111 Service.