Padgate Medical Centre

Padgate Medical Centre, 12 Station Road South, Padgate, Warrington

Telephone: 01925 815333

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Appointment Information

Did you know…?

  • The NHS belongs to all of us – help us to keep it working smoothly by turning up for appointments
  • Every time you see a GP it costs the NHS £43, on average, for a 12-minute consultation
  • A visit to Accident and Emergency costs £112

Do remember that an appointment is for one patient only. If you cannot keep your appointment, please let the reception staff know – we are a busy practice and someone else will always want to take advantage of your cancellation.

If you have a lot to discuss with the doctor, please advise the reception staff who can give you a longer appointment, thus avoiding delays for other patients.

Although you register with one of the doctors by name, you can, by choice, consult any of the doctors provided that there is an appointment available. All consultations are by appointment. Normally, the receptionist will offer you the next available appointment but please let her know if you feel the problem is urgent.

Please let us know when you arrive at the surgery for your appointment. A self check-in machine has now been installed for your convenience. It is extremely easy to use – just follow the instructions on the screen.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment you may be asked to rebook.

When you arrive for your appointment the practice uses an automatic booking-in system that reduces the waiting time to book in. Please endeavour to use this simple system but in any case of difficulty there is always a receptionist available at the counter.

An appointment is for the patient for whom it was made and for that person alone. It is not appropriate to request an impromptu consultation for others who may have accompanied you to your appointment.

Punctuality is of the utmost importance. Please make every effort to attend at the appointment time as this facilitates the smooth running of the surgery for all concerned. The doctors will endeavour to ensure that you are seen at (or as close as possible to) the appointment time. Sometimes you may be seen slightly later than arranged, as the enormous variety of problems presenting to a doctor is unpredictable and is not always amenable to a strict timetable. However, you should note that if you are late the doctor may not be able to see you and you will be asked to rebook your appointment.