Padgate Medical Centre

Padgate Medical Centre, 12 Station Road South, Padgate, Warrington

Telephone: 01925 815333

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My Life Warrington

Wellbeing is about having a good quality of life; it can be described as feeling healthy, happy or being able to cope with the problems that can happen in life. There are many different issues that can affect your wellbeing; worries about money, feeling stuck in a rut, or maybe wanting help to change, for example quit smoking.

My Life Warrington

The Warrington Wellbeing Team – what we offer

The team can help you get the information and support you need to start feeling back on track. The team may be able to give you some personal advice, or they may help you to get advice from an expert. Warrington Wellbeing understands each person is an individual who needs tailored support, so you will get an individual plan to help you manage your situation.

You will be given a plan of support that will outline all the help and advice that is available. The worker will arrange to meet with you for up to 8 appointments, to work through this plan together.

When we might need to refer you to someone else

The team can’t provide emergency mental health support. If you need help right now, please contact:

  • your GP, or call the NHS’s 111 helpline if your GP surgery is closed
  • the Warrington Assessment Team on 01925 666647
  • the Samaritans on 116 123
  • or visit for advice and support services who can help you

The team are not clinical staff and so we cannot advise you or comment on medical conditions or medications.

The team are not legal experts but they may be able to refer you to a professional who can help.