Padgate Medical Centre

Padgate Medical Centre, 12 Station Road South, Padgate, Warrington

Telephone: 01925 815333

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Mental Health


Scan the QR code above for further information – My possible self  – Mental health support created by world-leading healthcare professionals

Together, we’ll guide you through life’s challenges and help you take care of yourself. Imagine the possibilities.

Download the appt – My possible self

MyPossibleSelf: Mental Health on the App Store (

‎MyPossibleSelf: Mental Health – Apps on Google Play

Did you know?

One in four people experience mental health issues each year. 792 million people are affected by mental health issues worldwide. This means that you are not alone!

Kindness and compassion

If someone’s struggling ask them how they are. Talk, but listen too. Reach out with empathy and warmth.

Connecting with someone who’s isolated, or lonely and showing you care can make all the difference

Compassion, warmth and acceptance can make a powerful difference to someone who’s struggling to cope.

Support from mates, acceptance, a listening ear, time to talk: powerful things when times are hard.

A smile, a word of support, a chance to talk about troubling thoughts can turn bad day around.


Support for people in crisis


Support services: Samaritans

If you’re feeling troubled, or are having thoughts of suicide you can contact Samaritans 24/7 on 116 123 or

When life is difficult, Samaritans are there to listen 24/7, so you don’t have to face it alone. You can call free on 116 123, or email Whoever you are and whatever you’re facing, Samaritans won’t judge you, or tell you what to do.

Support services: PAPYRUS

PAPYRUS’ HOPELINEUK is for young people who feel suicidal, and anyone concerned about a young person. Call 0800 068 41 41, text 07860 039967,

Being young can be tough, if you’re finding it hard to cope, or thinking of suicide, PAPYRUS’ HOPELINEUK can offer support, call 0800 068 41 41, text 07860 039967


Support services: CALM

CALM’s phoneline and webchat, are open 365 days a year, 5pm to midnight. CALM is for anyone in the UK who is down and needs support or information: 0800 58 58 58,

CALM runs an anonymous and confidential helpline and webchat service for anyone in the UK who needs to talk. 5pm to midnight, every night 0800 58 58 58



Support services: Shout

Shout provides free, confidential, anonymous text support to people in crisis, 24 hours a day, every day. Just text the word ‘Shout’ to 85258.


Shout will work with you to help you manage your crisis, feel calmer and stay safe. Text the word ‘Shout’ to 85258 for free, confidential, anonymous text support, 24/7.


Support services: Samaritans, PAPYRUS, CALM, Shout

Life can be tough. Anyone can have suicidal thoughts. Help is out there ‪@theCALMzone

@samaritans @PAPYRUS_tweets @GiveUsAShout


If someone’s struggling, don’t be afraid to ask about suicide. Find help ‪@theCALMzone ‪@samaritans @PAPYRUS_tweets @GiveUsAShout


If you’re thinking of suicide, then talk to someone ‪@theCALMzone ‪@samaritans @PAPYRUS_tweets @GiveUsAShout

When things are tough talking helps, support is out there ‪@theCALMzone @samaritans @PAPYRUS_tweets @GiveUsAShout

Local 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line

The crisis line number is for people of all ages, including children and young people.

Let’s Keep Talking

The Let’s Keep Talking campaign encourages people, who may be struggling with their mental health during the pandemic, to talk to someone they trust. It also asks us to reach out to people who may be vulnerable or isolated.

Stay Alive App

It’s OK to talk about suicide. Let’s start a conversation and break the stigma. If you’re feeling suicidal, then download the StayAlive app for support. #StayAlive

Talking about suicide isn’t easy. The StayAlive app can help you manage suicidal thoughts and direct you to local support and advice #StayAlive.

It’s important to listen if you think someone maybe feeling suicidal. Talk. Listen. Download

the StayAlive app for guidance on what you can do to prevent suicide. #StayAlive


Happy? OK? Sad? general
For information about mental health support services in Warrington and what to do if you can’t cope visit

The Warrington site has details of local and national mental health support services

If someone you know needs help, has a directory of mental health support services

Free suicide prevention e-learning
If someone’s struggling, talk with them, has FREE suicide prevention training. For details of support services visit
It’s OK to ask about suicide. has two FREE, suicide prevention sessions. For details of support services visit

In Your Corner
How’s it going? Three small words can make a big difference. If a mate’s feeling down then keep in touch. #inyourcorner #warrington

If a mate’s struggling, then step in. Talk, listen too. You don’t need to solve things, just being there can help #inyourcorner #warrington

If your mate’s acting differently, don’t judge, step in. Text, call, reach out. Be yourself, do everyday things #inyourcorner #warrington